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About Us and Pocket Cookery


We are Simone and Robert and we love to cook. While Robert enjoys to improvise and to refine our dishes individually during cooking, Simone likes to follow the recipes more closely. We are always looking for new recipes to try out and adapt them to our taste. We are fans of spices and fresh herbs, especially garlic, and add them almost to every recipe. Out list of favorite meals is constantly growing.

How we came up with Pocket Cookery

Simone plans our dishes for the next couple of days at home and compiles a grocery list. Sometimes, she was very annoyed, when she could not get an ingredient in the supermarket which was on her list. It is hard to spontaniously think of another recipe during grocery shopping, so Robert came up with the idea to develop an app for planning menus and support grocery shopping. Pocket Cookery was born.

About Pocket Cookery

If you've ever wanted to digitize your collection of recipes and have them always with you when you go shopping, Pocket Cookery is the right app for you. You can collect your favorite recipes, plan your meals and have the grocery list instantly available. Also check out our blog for our favorite recipes.